
Six must-knows for successful AI implementation

September 3, 2024


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After several conversations I’ve had the last couple of months, I’d like to look at a topic that’s become increasingly crucial in tech: the role of data structures and record management in the successful implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI).


While AI often steals the spotlight in tech discussions, it’s the underlying data infrastructure that really deserves (and needs) our attention. As we’ve seen time and time again, the quality and organization of data can make or break AI initiatives.


Since I'm an "all good stuff, no extra fluff" guy, let's jump right into it...


The Cornerstones of Effective AI Implementation


Efficiency and performance


In my experience, especially in the operations, legal, and regulatory compliance space, well-structured data is like a well-organized workspace. It allows AI algorithms to locate and process information with remarkable speed and accuracy, and provide proper source citations to help you feel a bit more confident in its response. This efficiency is particularly crucial when dealing with real-time applications or large-scale data processing – situations many of us encounter daily in our “enough is not enough” data-driven world.


Data quality and accuracy


We’ve all heard the phrase “garbage in, garbage out,” and it couldn’t be more relevant when it comes to AI. Proper data structuring and management are our first line of defense against inaccuracies and inconsistencies. By ensuring our data is clean and well-organized, we’re setting our AI models (and ourselves) up for success, enabling them to produce reliable results that we can trust and act upon.


Enhanced analysis and insights


I’ve seen firsthand how structured data can unlock deeper insights. It’s fascinating to observe how AI systems, when fed properly organized data, can uncover patterns and connections that might otherwise remain hidden. For instance, energy giants have leveraged structured operational data to predict equipment maintenance needs with impressive accuracy, leading to more effective preventive maintenance strategies and improved production efficiency.


Scalability and integration


Nowadays, the ability to scale and integrate data from multiple sources is invaluable. Well-structured data makes this process significantly smoother. I’m continually impressed by how E & P companies have masterfully used integrated geological and seismic data to optimize their drilling locations and boost production – a testament to the power of good data management in the oil and gas sector.

With low-code and no-code app solutions, folks with little to no tech experience are creating their own solutions to make their lives easier!


Improved decision making


One of the most exciting aspects of AI is its potential to enhance our decision-making processes. However, this potential can only be fully realized with a solid data foundation. Energy giants have demonstrated this beautifully, using structured operational data to enable AI-driven forecasting of energy demand, optimization of their production processes, and predictive maintenance of their infrastructure. For instance, these companies have leveraged AI to analyze vast amounts of geological data, improving their ability to identify promising drilling locations and reduce exploration costs.


Adaptability and future proofing


If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my years in technology, it’s that change is constant. Proper data structuring provides the flexibility needed to adapt AI systems as business needs evolve. It’s an investment in the future, allowing for easier updates and expansions without necessitating a complete overhaul of existing infrastructure.


Building your future with Four Cornerstone


Imagine your business as a towering skyscraper of success. Even the tallest buildings need a rock-solid foundation. For two decades, Four Cornerstone has been crafting agile, enterprise tech-driven solutions for businesses, focusing on four key IT cornerstones that lay the groundwork for success, no matter where you are in your digital journey.


Their expertise in data science consulting helps businesses turn data into their biggest asset, ensuring efficient data structuring that allows AI systems to operate at their best. Additionally, their around the clock proactive managed services provide ongoing support, optimizing performance and handling the heavy lifting, so businesses can focus on their core services.


Click here to view Four Cornerstone's contact information.


As we continue to explore and implement AI technologies, let’s not lose sight of the importance of strong data foundations. When we prioritize data structure and record management, we’re not just preparing for AI implementation – we’re setting ourselves up for long-term success in a non-stop, faster, data-centric world.


I encourage you all to take a closer look at your data practices. Are they robust enough to support your AI ambitions? If not, now is the time to lay that groundwork.


Disclaimer: This is not legal advice and shall not be construed as such.

©️ Nathanael S. Hammer, 2024-present