
We should all scream for upstream, midstream, and downstream


October 17, 2024


The oil and gas industry is vast, encompassing various stages that ensure oil and gas are discovered, processed, and delivered to consumers. Today, we’ll explore the three main sectors of the industry: upstream, midstream, and downstream, each playing a vital role in the journey from exploration to refining. Understanding these segments is key to grasping how the energy that powers much of the modern world is produced and brought to market.


Upstream (exploration and production or E&P)



The upstream sector is often referred to as the "Exploration and Production" (E&P) phase. It marks the very beginning of the oil and gas journey, involving the search for, discovery, and extraction of oil and natural gas reserves. The key activities here include:




Geologists and engineers use advanced techniques like seismic surveys and exploratory drilling to locate potential oil and gas deposits.


Drilling and production 


After discovering viable reserves, companies drill wells to extract crude oil and natural gas. Advanced technologies such as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling have revolutionized this stage, making extraction more efficient.


Upstream companies face considerable risks due to the high capital investment required and the uncertainty of discovering sufficient reserves. However, this stage is critical, as it sets the foundation for the rest of the supply chain.


Midstream (transportation and storage)



The midstream sector connects the upstream and downstream sectors, facilitating the safe and efficient movement of raw materials. The midstream stage includes:


Transportation. Crude oil and natural gas are moved from production sites to refineries via pipelines, trucks, tankers, and even rail. Pipelines are the primary and most cost-effective method of transportation.


Storage. Midstream companies operate large storage facilities to ensure a steady supply of crude oil and natural gas, helping to balance supply and demand fluctuations.


Processing. Natural gas often needs initial processing at this stage to remove impurities like water and sulfur before it is sent to market or storage.


Midstream is a crucial step in maintaining the flow of energy resources, ensuring that the right materials reach the downstream sector for refining and distribution.


Downstream (refining and distribution)



The downstream sector represents the final stage of the oil and gas industry, where crude oil and natural gas are transformed into finished products that consumers use every day. This sector includes:


Refining. Crude oil is processed in refineries, where it is transformed into a variety of products such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and other petrochemicals. Refineries are intricate facilities that perform a range of chemical processes to break down crude oil into its component parts.


Marketing and Distribution. Once refined, products are distributed to end users through fuel stations, distributors, and other retail channels. The downstream sector also includes the production of petrochemical products used in plastics, fertilizers, and countless other goods.


The role of E&P in the oil and gas lifecycle


E&P is the foundation of the entire oil and gas lifecycle, driving the entire industry. Without the successful exploration and production of raw materials, the midstream and downstream stages would have nothing to transport or process. Technological advancements have made E&P more efficient, but it remains a high-risk, high-reward segment.


What’s next?


In the next article of Energizing America, we’ll explore the blue-collar job opportunities in each sector of the oil and gas industry. From the roughnecks working on drilling rigs in the upstream segment to the pipeline workers in midstream and the refinery operators in downstream, the industry provides a wide range of career options for those interested in hands-on, technical roles. Stay tuned to discover how you can be a part of this vital industry!




The oil and gas industry is divided into three major sectors: upstream, midstream, and downstream, each crucial to the overall supply chain. From the discovery of oil and gas deposits to the transportation, refining, and delivery of products, each segment ensures the energy we rely on reaches consumers efficiently. As the industry continues to evolve, it remains a cornerstone of modern society, powering everything from transportation to the products we use daily.